Unicode Support for WSGI


WSGI Unicode Handling


Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher@active-4.com>






This proposal is rejected mainly because of those reasons:

  • It’s easy enough for applications to do that on their own

  • Many applications don’t use unicode objects

  • there should be an easier and more flexible way for that issue

From Ian Bicking:

I’ll add some commentary here, since I was the primary critic (of the limited audience before Armin withdrew this specification). Leaving this proposal here hopefully will be useful to later people considering this problem.

Changing the response app_iter is pretty heavy, and isn’t really an extension to WSGI, it’s a change to the core specification. Current WSGI implementors really expect str responses. When str goes away in Python 3000, they will have to expect bytes responses too, but that’s a relatively straight-forward (though not trivial) change. Dealing with backward compatibility is quite difficult.

The use cases I personally see in this is avoiding the confusion and overhead of encoding and decoding responses when there are intermediaries which handle the response in its unicode form. This is not uncommon – for instance, XML processing happens on unicode data, and ideally all text responses should be handled as unicode. Deciding the encoding, and then doing the proper decoding, is not completely trivial (though not terribly hard). It is hard enough that people will and have avoided it, potentially working with str data when that was not correct. Similarly, it is important to send either properly-encoded data, or to change the encoding in the headers. Since encoding information can show up in multiple places (unfortunately) this can also be error-prone.

Despite these problems, sending unencoded data opens up a whole bunch of other problems, and realistically we get the union of all problems because we definitely cannot remove the sending of encoding text data. So everyone has to deal with both cases now, instead of just one case.

Anyway, that’s my take on this. – Ian


This specification proposes a possible implementation of unicode support in WSGI. Current all WSGI application have to output str objects instead.


Python ships two types of strings subclassing the abstract base class basestring. str and unicode. In Python 3 unicode will replace str and a new class bytes will be introduced (PEP 3100#atomic-types, PEP 3137). Also today many developers use unicode objects because support a wider range of characters and functions like len() still return the correct output, even when using multibyte encodings like utf-8.

But at the moment all WSGI applications have to yield str objects which require that uses encoder their data to a special encoding by hand. WSGI middlewares don’t know about the charset the application is using etc.


A possible solution would be a new key in the environ called wsgi.charset. The WSGI gateway would set this to None per default which means that yielding of unicode objects results in an exception. But if the charset is correctly defined all returned unicode objects get encoded in the defined encoding by the WSGI gateway.

Middlewares could use this value too convert incomming form data to unicode automatically so that the application developer doesn’t have to take care about this issue.


If this environment key is updated by the application middlewares would still see None as charset because it’s updated on first iteration only. So an application developer would need to wrap the whole application including middlewares afterwards again with a new middleware that updates this key. Another possibility would be that the WSGI gateway provides a configuration value for the charset.

If encoding the output of the wsgi application the gateway must also get the wsgi.charset key each time a unicode object is found. Caching won’t work because the application must be able to change the charset before each iteration:

def app(environ, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
    environ['wsgi.charset'] = 'utf-8'
    yield u'Hällo Wörld'
    environ['wsgi.charset'] = 'iso-8895-15'
    yield u'Hällo Wörld'


Here a very simple CGI gateway that implements this functionality:

import os
import sys

def run_with_cgi(app, charset=None):
    environ = dict(os.environ.items())
    environ['wsgi.charset'] = charset
    environ['wsgi.input'] = sys.stdin
    environ['wsgi.errors']  = sys.stderr
    environ['wsgi.version'] = (1,0)
    environ['wsgi.multithread'] = False
    environ['wsgi.multiprocess'] = True
    environ['wsgi.run_once'] = True

    if environ.get('HTTPS','off').lower() in ('on','1'):
        environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
        environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'http'

    headers_set = []
    headers_sent = []

    def write(data):
        if not headers_set:
             raise AssertionError('write() before start_response()')
        elif not headers_sent:
             status, response_headers = headers_sent[:] = headers_set
             sys.stdout.write('Status: %s\r\n' % status)
             for header in response_headers:
                 sys.stdout.write('%s: %s\r\n' % header)
        if isinstance(data, unicode):
            charset = environ['wsgi.charset']
            if charset is None:
                raise AssertionError('application returned unicode without '
                                     'defined charset')
            data = data.encode(charset)

    def start_response(status,response_headers,exc_info=None):
        if exc_info:
                if headers_sent:
                    raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
                exc_info = None
        elif headers_set:
            raise AssertionError('Headers already set!')
        headers_set[:] = [status,response_headers]
        return write

    result = app(environ, start_response)
        for data in result:
            if data:
        if not headers_sent:
        if hasattr(result,'close'):